Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Mushroom and bell pepper Stir Fry With Green Chutney

Mix colour bellpeppers-1cup,sliced
Green chutney-2tbsp or to taste
Gingergarlic paste-1tsp
Salt to taste
Coriander to garnish

1. Heat a ghee in pan,add Jeera when it begin to pop add onions when they become translucent 
add gingergarlic paste and bell peppers fry  for minute  and add mushrooms fry  them for a minute and 
allow to cook on low flame by closing the lid.
2.Mushroom leaves water so no need to add water,open the lid and cook by turning occasionally until all the
 water is evaporated from the mixture on a medium flame.
3.Now add green chutney and salt to taste,cook for another 2 -3minutes and remove from the flame,now it is ready to serve,garnish with coriander.Serve with Chappatis or rice as a side dish.
1. you can also use any other vegetable to make this simple stir fry.
2. Serve as a roll or wrap with tortilla's or leftover chappati's or even pitta bread
3.Suitable for grown ups and  kids lunch box.

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Home Cooked food said...

nice space you got. lovely dish. do visit me too.

Vidya Chandrahas said...

Nice combo..flavorful stir fry with green chutney..yummy and tempting.

Priya Suresh said...

Who can resist to this beautiful bowl,inviting stir fry.

Chitra said...

Nice recipe. Must be yummy with rice n roti :)

Beena said...

Super recipe

Dipti Joshi said...

fast and exotic recipe! Nice bowl you have...

Lena Jayadev said...

woww...beautiful snap dear..

Anonymous said...

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